Contact Us
Customer Orders
Customers can order products directly from our website, via email orders@balineum.co.uk or over the phone at +44 207 431 9364.
You are welcome to call us with any questions regarding a new or existing order.
Please note: it can take up to 24 hours for us to respond to quote requests. We are small company and like to provide good customer service and many of the requests we receive are for custom or special items that take time to prepare.

Interior Designers & Trade
If you are an interior designer or architect we can work with you to create custom products and sizes to meet your specific project needs. Please contact us via phone or email to register your Trade account and discuss your project requirements.

Design Notes
For questions about our Design Notes newsletter or blog posts, or to submit potential topics for consideration, please contact our Design Notes editor Monika Eyers
Press & PR
For any press enquiries, press releases, image requests, event ideas and product loans please contact Elizabeth and Kat at Elizabeth Machin PR

Business Details
Balineum Limited
Flat 1, 3 Netherhall Gardens
London NW3 5RN
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 207 431 9364
Email: orders@balineum.co.uk
UK Company Registration: 6141527
VAT Registration: GB 905729120